
Are you experiencing a conflict or personal dilemma in your personal or professional life?

As a certified and experienced mediator, I will be happy to support you in finding a sensible solution to your conflict.

Disputes and conflicts as an opportunity

Having to experience and endure a conflict is exhausting.

But just as there is a way into a conflict, there is usually also a way out.

Ich möchte Sie dazu ermutigen, die Chance für Veränderung zu nutzen und durch das strukturierte Mediations-Verfahren eine konstruktive Lösung für Ihren Konflikt zu erarbeiten.

Mediation to end conflicts

The mediation process offers you - whether in a private or professional context - the opportunity to resolve a conflict in a structured way outside of court.

In der Mediation erarbeiten die Konfliktparteien freiwillig und eigenverantwortlich unter der Anleitung eines allparteilichen Mediators in einem vertraulichen Setting eine einvernehmliche Lösung zu ihrem Konflikt.

The solutions are based on the needs and interests of all parties involved and only come about if all parties involved feel that they are fair and agree to them. This makes mediation agreements particularly sustainable and long-lasting.

About me

Mein Name ist Balthasar Arnold. Ich bin 33 Jahre alt, ich lebe in Berlin und bin zertifizierter Mediator, Konfliktberater und Jurist.

Bereits in more than 300 cases konnte ich Konfliktparteien dabei unterstützen, konstruktive Lösungen zu ihren Konflikten zu erarbeiten.

I conduct mediations as presence, shuttle and online mediations nationwide and in German and English.

I would also be happy to support you in finding a solution to your conflict through the mediation process, which will enable you to regain clarity.

I look forward to receiving your message at mail@arnold-kommunikation.de

Contact me

Please feel free to send me a message with a brief outline of your current situation to schedule an appointment for a free of charge, and non-binding initial consultation!


or via the contact form:

I look forward to hearing from you!